Lecture slides
Below are links to slides presented in lecture. Bear in mind that the slides do not constitute the complete lecture material, as we do lots of board work each lecture.
- Lecture 1
- Lecture 2
- Lecture 3
- Lecture 5, and numerical random walks demo
- Lecture 6 and corrected lecture notes on animal growth
Suggested Books
- Street-Fighting Mathematics by Sanjoy Mahajan
- The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering by Sanjoy Mahajan
- Order-of-Magnitude Physics: Understanding the World with Dimensional Analysis, Educated Guesswork, and White Lies by Goldreich, Mahajan, and Phinney
- The High Frontier by E. O. Wilson, National Geographic, 1991
- Biodiversity by V. Morell, National Geographic, 1999
- Prokayotes: The unseen majority by W. B. Whitman, D. C. Coleman, and W. J. Wiebe, PNAS, 1998
- Simberloff and Wilson, Experimental zoogeography of islands: The colonization of empty islands, Ecology, 1969
- T. L. Erwin, Tropical forets: Their richness in coleoptera and other arthropod species, Coloepterists Bulletin, 1982
- N. H. Sleep, et al., Annililation of ecosystems by large asteroid collision on the early Earth Their Loss?, Nature, 1989
- R. May, Why Worry about How Many Species and Their Loss?, PLoS Biology, 2011
- J. Howard, et al., Turing's next steps: the mechanochemical basis of morphogenesis, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol., 2011.
- J. Howard, et al., Turing's next steps: the mechanochemical basis of morphogenesis, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol., 2011.
- G. B. West, et al., A general model for Nature, 2001.
- Diffusion coefficient of oxygen through tissues Nature, 1967.
- C. Auffray and D. Noble, Origins of Systems Biology in William Harvey’s Masterpiece on the Movement of the Heart and the Blood in Animals, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2009